Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Do you want to date my avatar - by the guild

Do you want to date my avatar – by the guild
I have chosen to analyse the song do you want date my avatar by the guild, Jed Whedon directed this. The genre of the band is geek pop which is characterised by aiming to appeal a very general audience which is of course changed by the appealing geeky side of the song and it can encourage dancing using beats and rhythms. Instead of a live performance much like pop it has an emphasis recording, production and technology. The dancers backing up feclia day enforce dancing and the mise en scene is very inter-textual as a lot of the gaming media is linked with the customs also it goes with The Guild which starred feclia day.

The relationship between the lyrics and visuals is a correlation as feclia lip synchronised as the song starts on the singer. The singer doing the robot and her and other “guildies” spinning around in a game character creation set up follows up the first lyric “I’m craving to emote with you So many animations I can do”. Later the lyric “How 'bout, how 'bout a little tank and spank” is a good example of how the video is very related to geek media. Now tank and spank sounds quite sexual and clearly the singer is witty with the term having a tank literally spank her with the mis en scene sword. However it is more of an in joke “tank and spank” is a gaming tactic in which one player will take the damage of a particularly strong foe (these are often called tanks for their ability to take damage and wear heavy armour and shields). While the other players “spank” the foe by giving a high damage output hoping to put it down before a lot of damage is done. “Single, White Human Looking for group” again is an in joke this is visually directly linked as the “white human” steps forward to sing the lyric. This direct link is repeated in the lyric “got an uber leet staff” as a second player steps forward, staff in hand and starts his rap lines. Throughout it is lip matched. “You'll touch my plus five to dexterity vest” feclia day again makes a direct visual link with the lyrics as she runs her fingers down her dress while on the mountain of gold pieces yet again reinforcing the geek genre.

The record company is trying to make the guild very witty and modern, appealing to geeks. By offering a slightly different view of geeks. So the record company is clearly selling to a niche market mainly males who enjoy the game media. Fecila day is clearly on sexual display in her corset and revealing outfit but not in a over the top, blatant way. The music video is purely performance based.

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